Monday, October 16, 2006


How many times!?

Three or four, anyway.

I have some kind of spatial relations dyslexia, I swear. I've made several of these Bear's Paw blocks, and I know that you have to set those little triangles in the right direction on each side of the square and look at it before you sew them together. I know this. And all three other blocks were fine. But this one; I sewed it wrong over and over, in spite of talking to my inner seamstress and laying it out in front of myself and checking and double checking that everyone was pointing in the right direction.

Obviously, I finally got it right, or right enough. It was a little skewed after all that repetitive de-sewing, but I'll make it work. It's a cornerstone block for a border. I'm really happy with how this quilt is turning out.

I do the same thing when I'm sewing bindings on, too. I have a diagram, I've got it set out in front of me every time, I walk myself through step by step, and .... invariably sew it backwards. You know the bit when you're closing the binding with a diagonal seam? That bit. Always once I have to sew it backwards in spite of all the care I take.

Oh well. At least I'm learning to set my stitch on HUGE so it's not so hard to pull out.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Puss in the Corner for Katt

Since I know she never visits this site anyway, I guess I can post before she gets here to pick it up and it won't ruin the surprise....

Puss in the Corner, on point, with lots of borders. It was originally a baby quilt, but it didn't get used that way, and when Katt saw it, she wanted it. Only bigger. I love borders.

The finished size is 54"X61.5", so a very good quilt for reading on the sofa. I know - I've tried it out several times already, several different books, it worked for all of them.

Chive really likes this one, he says it reminds him of a Persian rug and when am I going to make him a quilt? Humph! After all the times I asked him what he'd like and he told me he didn't really care, a blanket was a blanket! Again I say, Humph!

Flannel back, a tiny gold leaf on cream, Red Rooster Textiles, I think. Most of it was meander quilted, but I stitched in the ditch for the plain green border strips.